Toivottavasti olet jo asettunut ehdolle tai ainakin harkitset sitä. Jos harkitset vielä, olisiko edaattorin homma sinua varten, tutustu alla olevaan listaan, johon olemme keränneet 10 syytä asettua ehdolle edustajistovaaleihin:
Toivottavasti et enää harkitse, vaan päätit jo asettua ehdolle. Ehdolle asettuminen on jo auki ja jatkuu maanantaihin 8.10.2018 klo 16.00 asti.
Edustajistovaalien äänestys alkaa 2.11.2018 klo 12.00 ja päättyy 7.11.2018 klo 16.00. Saat äänestysohjeet HAMKin sähköpostiisi äänestyksen alkaessa. Muista, että vain HAMKOn jäsenillä on oikeus asettua ehdolle ja äänestää edustajistovaaleissa - vielä ehdit liittyä vaaleja varten!
The council of representatives’ election is coming, as you might have already heard. However, it is not yet time to vote, but instead nomination of candidates is in progress. All members of the student union are eligible to register for election.
Hope you’ve already stood for the election or at least are considering it. If you are still considering whether being a representative is a job for you, check out our list of 10 reasons to stand for election:
We hope you don’t consider anymore but have decided to stand for the election. Standing for the election is already open and will continue until Monday, October 8 at 16:00.
The voting in the council of representative election will begin on November 2 at 12.00 pm and end on November 7 at 4.00 pm. You will receive voting instructions at HAMK’s e-mail when the voting starts. Remember, only members of HAMKO have the right to stand for election and to vote in representative elections - you still have time to join student union for the elections!
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