perjantai 16. marraskuuta 2018

What does HAMKO’s board actually do?

Application period to HAMKO’s board is on and maybe you have noticed something in relation to this on our social media. We have published on our Facebook page descriptions of board’s responsibilities and here we have gathered them all together. Therefore, first read what HAMKO’s board actually does and after that, if you find these tasks interesting, APPLY*!

President and vice president:

HAMKO’s board includes the president, vice president and six members of the board. The president and vice president work tightly together as a team and oversee the operations of the board. The function of the president is to e.g. lead, represent and to lead board’s meetings. Vice president acts as a link between the president and the board. Vice president knows something about everything that is going on, and work as a team with the president.


At HAMKO’s board, the person responsible for visibility maintains and develops the visibility of the student union. The work includes e.g. marketing HAMKO on the Road tour, brainstorming and putting together the HAMKO Gift Bag (previously known as HAMKO Treasure Box) and being a general social media guru.


Board member in charge of sports works locally and nationwide to influence on students’ possibilities to take care of their wellbeing. Locally co-operations with HAMK Moves is important part of this work. The Finnish Student Sports Federation OLL is important partner nationally and OLL meetings are a great possibility to network with other people interested in sports.

Quality and feedback:

Quality and feedback is an important process for the Student Union. The effectiveness of quality and feedback systems directly affect the students’ daily life. This process is part of developing quality culture both in the Student Union and in the entire university. Board member in charge of quality and feedback takes part in annual student feedback discussions with HAMK rectors and works in close cooperation with the university’s staff responsible for developing education and teaching.

If this sounds interesting, maybe you should apply to HAMKO’s board for year 2019!

Interest groups and partners:

HAMKO has several interest groups and the most important of them is HAMK. Student Union is also a member of University of Applied Sciences Students in Finland (SAMOK) and is thus a part of nationwide student movement. Other important interest groups are for example cities and municipalities that have HAMK campuses and local student associations that operate on these campuses.

Board member in charge of interest groups takes care of communications and co-operation with partners of the Student Union. If this sounds like a job for you, apply to HAMKO’s board!

Careed and employment:

Career and employment process centralizes in maintaining and developing Student Union's connections to the decision makers and companies that are located at HAMKO's range of operation. Board member in charge of this process also participates in events, which promote career and employment. This is one of the ways that HAMKO is ensuring the sufficient amount of internships and theses for HAMK students.

Counseling and orientation:

The main responsibility of the year for board member in charge of counseling and orientation is training and recruiting future tutors. Another important task is to book and plan orientation presentations for new students in the beginning of academic year. In these presentations, board members tell new students about the Student Union, its supervision of interests and student benefits.
Apply to HAMKO’s board if this sounds like a job for you!

Student well-being:

Process of student well-being influences many things at HAMKO. The person responsible for student well-being informs and publicizes university’s student well-being services and supports prevention of problems related to student wellbeing.

The main student wellbeing factors at HAMKO are harassment officers, alcohol-free events and sports. In addition, monitoring of accessibility at the university is one of the responsibilities of the board member responsible of student well-being.

Student culture:

Board member responsible of student culture organizes HAMKO’s events together with event team. The aim of the process is to maintain living and vivid student culture and develop its activities. Alkupamaus, Loppurysäys and HAMKO on the Road tour are the biggest projects of this process. The process requires excellent organizational skills and a bit of creative madness.

Societal influencing:

The process of societal influencing will be particularly important next year since there are several elections in Finland. The main task of the process is to maintain a dialogue with the municipal decision-makers in HAMKO’s area of activity, and to inform students of voting and voting positions. 

The process of societal influencing aims to ensure that students’ voice is heard and that it is part of both municipal and national decision-making. In addition, board member in charge of this process works with HAMKO's electoral programs.

Member services and benefits:

The main task for the board member in charge of member service and benefits, is ordering student overalls. This includes making bids and contacting different companies and organizations to get ads to the overalls. The tasks include also negotiating and maintaining member benefits as well as ordering new overall badges (in case the board makes decision to order new badges). Therefore, if you are interested in sales and marketing, this could be a great position for you!

* How to apply?

Send your free-form application no later than Tuesday, November 20 by 5 pm or come to the Council of representatives’ organizing meeting at Hämeenlinna University centre (Visamäki), in A-building, Valtuustosali meeting room on November 20 at 5 pm.

Send your application / ask for more information about the board and applying:

Liisa Hyytiäinen
president of the board
pj[at], +358 44 722 1001

Johanna Janhunen
vice president of the board
vpj[at], +358 44 315 1194

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